Mastering Morion Farming: A Night Crows Strategy Guide

In the realm of Night Crows, mastering the art of Morion farming is essential for acquiring valuable resources and enhancing character progression. This essay delves into effective Morion farming strategies, offering insights and techniques to optimize drop rates and maximize efficiency in the pursuit of Morion treasures.

Understanding Morion Farming Dynamics:
Morions, coveted treasures within the Night Crows domain, are essential for character advancement and gear enhancement. However, their elusive nature often poses a challenge to players seeking to accumulate them. Effective Morion farming requires an understanding of drop rate dynamics, strategic timing, and efficient utilization of game mechanics.

The 10-Minute Rule:
One effective strategy employed by seasoned Morion farmers is the “10-Minute Rule.” This strategy involves entering a dungeon room and monitoring loot drops for a short duration, typically 3 to 5 minutes. If Morion drops are obtained within this timeframe, players continue farming for an additional 5 to 10 minutes before exiting the dungeon room. Conversely, if no Morion drops occur within the initial timeframe, players exit the dungeon room and wait for 10 minutes before re-entering.

Strategic Timing and Patience:
Strategic timing is key to maximizing Morion farming efficiency. By adhering to the 10-Minute Rule and alternating between farming and waiting periods, players can capitalize on potential Morion drops while avoiding prolonged periods of fruitless farming. Patience is crucial, as Morion drops may occur sporadically and require persistence and perseverance to obtain.

Utilizing Auto Daily Quests:
During waiting periods between farming sessions, players can utilize auto daily quests to efficiently utilize their time and resources. Completing auto daily quests not only provides additional rewards but also serves as a productive diversion while waiting for the next farming session. This strategic approach ensures that players remain productive and engaged throughout the Morion farming process.

Optimizing Drop Rates:
While Morion drop rates ultimately depend on RNG (Random Number Generation), optimizing drop rates can increase the likelihood of obtaining Morion treasures. Players can enhance drop rates by adhering to the 10-Minute Rule, maintaining consistent farming intervals, and avoiding over-farming in consecutive sessions. Additionally, staying informed about cooldown mechanics and item drop patterns can further optimize drop rates and enhance farming efficiency.

Mastering Morion farming in the Night Crows realm requires a blend of strategy, patience, and persistence. By implementing the 10-Minute Rule, strategically timing farming sessions, utilizing auto daily quests, and optimizing drop rates, players can enhance their Morion farming efficiency and accumulate valuable treasures to bolster their characters’ progression. With dedication and strategic planning, players can unlock the secrets of Morion farming and reap the rewards that await within the depths of the Night Crows domain – get more Night Crows Diamonds and Items.

Skull and Bones: Navigating Hostile Takeovers and Interference from Non-Participants

In the cutthroat world of Skull and Bones, where rivalries run deep and fortunes hang in the balance, navigating hostile takeovers can prove to be a daunting challenge for even the most seasoned captains. For players like myself, embarking on the quest to secure coveted factories amidst a sea of competitors can often feel like an uphill battle, fraught with obstacles and interference from non-participants.

As I find myself entrenched in the endgame, with ambitions of acquiring four factories to bolster my PoE farming endeavors, I encounter a persistent dilemma: every attempt to claim a factory is met with opposition from active participants and their cohorts, intent on thwarting my efforts and stalling my progress. Despite my proficiency in combat and resilience in the face of adversity, the presence of interfering non-participants adds a layer of complexity to an already challenging task.

In these high-stakes encounters, where the line between friend and foe is blurred, I grapple with the question of how best to overcome such obstacles and emerge victorious. While I am adept at holding my own in gunplay, the tactics employed by those seeking to impede my progress leave me at a disadvantage, cornered against unforgiving terrain and outnumbered by my adversaries.

One potential solution lies in the ability to attack non-participants without fear of retaliation while they are in the field—an essential safeguard against interference and manipulation. While I have yet to put this theory into practice, discussions within the community suggest that such measures may be necessary to level the playing field and deter individuals from exploiting loopholes to gain an unfair advantage.

Furthermore, the reluctance of active participants to engage in direct combat may stem from a strategic decision to prioritize PvE objectives over PvP confrontations. By focusing on accumulating points from PvE activities rather than engaging in direct combat, participants can maximize their efficiency and optimize their chances of success, even in the face of opposition.

Despite the inherent challenges posed by interference from non-participants, there are strategies that can be employed to mitigate the risk and increase the likelihood of success. One such approach involves carefully selecting takeover opportunities that are devoid of active participants, thereby minimizing the potential for interference and streamlining the conquest process.

In my quest to secure more factories amidst the chaos of competing interests and hidden agendas, vigilance and strategic foresight are paramount. By remaining vigilant, assessing the battlefield for opportunities, and adapting my tactics to counter interference, I aim to overcome the odds and emerge victorious in the pursuit of my objectives.

While the road ahead may be fraught with obstacles and adversaries, I am determined to press on, undeterred by the challenges that lie ahead. With perseverance and cunning, I believe that success is within reach, and that victory will ultimately be mine to claim amidst the tumultuous seas of Skull and Bones. I’m going to plunder more Skull and Bones Items and Skull and Bones Silvers and become the freest pirate on the sea.

A Last Epoch Rune Master Build Guide

Welcome, fellow Mages, or more specifically, Rune Masters, to a comprehensive build guide for Last Epoch, the thrilling action role-playing game (ARPG) that has captivated gamers with its explosive gameplay. In this guide, we’ll delve deep into a fiery building that promises to leave a trail of devastation in its wake. From leveling strategies to endgame optimizations, get ready to unleash the power of fire and watch your enemies burn.

The Fiery Path:

In Last Epoch, we’re embracing the raw power of fire magic with unabashed enthusiasm. No lightning or frost runes here; our sole focus is on harnessing the incendiary might of fire to create devastating explosions that obliterate everything in their path. The centerpiece of our build is the triple fire Rune spell, augmented by powerful synergies and enhancements to maximize its destructive potential.

Embracing the Changes:

With Last Epoch reaching full release status in version 1.0, we’ve witnessed significant buffs and adjustments that have elevated the effectiveness of our chosen build. Notably, the triple fire Rune spell has received a substantial boost, making it even more formidable in combat. This enhancement, coupled with our strategic approach, ensures that we’re equipped to handle the challenges of the game’s various encounters, from leveling quests to endgame monoliths.

Building the Inferno:

Our build revolves around a carefully curated selection of skills and passive abilities designed to amplify the potency of our fire magic. Starting with the Mage tree, we invest heavily in the Elementalist and Arcanist paths to bolster our damage output and survivability. Key passives such as Elemental Focus and Arcane Focus provide significant boosts to our intelligence and ward generation, essential for sustaining our onslaught of fiery spells.

Unlocking the Rune Master specialization opens up a wealth of opportunities to enhance our explosive capabilities further. Runic Invocation becomes our primary engine of destruction, augmented by talents such as Unbridled Ruin and Prologue/Interlude, which add layers of complexity and devastation to our attacks. Flame Rush and Flame Ward serve as both offensive and defensive tools, allowing us to maneuver swiftly while maintaining a formidable presence on the battlefield.

Mastering the Rotation:

As we progress through the game, our combat rotation evolves to incorporate a seamless combination of spells and abilities. Early on, our focus is on spamming Fireball and unleashing the triple fire Rune explosion for maximum damage. As we unlock additional skills and passives, we integrate Flame Rush, Flame Gate, and other tools into our rotation, creating a symphony of destruction that decimates our foes with ruthless efficiency.

Gear and Optimization:

To complement our explosive playstyle, we prioritize gear that enhances our survivability, mana management, and spell damage. Resistances, health, and mana regeneration are crucial for staying alive in the heat of battle, while intelligence and spell cost reduction ensure that our fiery onslaught remains relentless. Unique items such as Fundamental Criterion and Fiery Dragon Shoes provide significant bonuses that synergize perfectly with our build, further enhancing our destructive potential.


In conclusion, the Last Epoch Rune Master build offers a thrilling and highly effective playstyle centered around the raw power of fire magic. With careful skill selection, strategic rotation, and optimized gear choices, players can unleash devastating explosions that leave their enemies smoldering in their wake. Whether you’re embarking on a leveling journey or tackling endgame challenges, this fiery build promises endless excitement and satisfaction.

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Myth of Empires: A Guide to Heavenly Horses

Today we delve into the highly sought-after topic of heavenly horses in Myth of Empires. This article has been a long time coming, and I’ve gathered as much information as possible to provide you with the best insights into these majestic creatures.

Heavenly horses are a fascinating aspect of Myth of Empires, and understanding how to find them, their appearances, the differences between various types, and their significance can greatly enhance your gameplay experience. So, without further ado, let’s dive into the world of heavenly horses.

Understanding Heavenly Horses

Heavenly horses are rare and prized companions in the world of Myth of Empires. On PvE servers, finding heavenly horses can be incredibly challenging due to the maximum quality level restrictions. However, on PvP servers, where there’s no maximum quality range, the chances of encountering heavenly horses are higher.

To increase your odds of obtaining heavenly horses on PvP servers, it’s essential to understand how to identify them and where to find them. These horses come in different colors, including white, dark brown, black, and sandy. Identifying heavenly horses is primarily based on their solid coloration with minimal to no patterns.

Spotting Heavenly Horses

One of the key identifiers of heavenly horses is their solid color with minimal or no patterns. While some patterns may appear, lighter patterns tend to indicate higher quality. These horses often possess unique traits and weaknesses, which can affect their overall stats. It’s crucial to pay attention to these traits when identifying heavenly horses.

Where to Find Heavenly Horses

Heavenly horses can be found in specific regions across the map, with certain areas being more reliable for encountering mating pairs. Here are some notable locations where heavenly horse mating pairs have been consistently spotted:

  1. Desert Region: Look for desert horses in the plains and fields. Mating pairs of desert horses are often found outside caves in desert regions.
  2. Mountainous Areas: Explore mountainous terrains for heavenly horses, especially along plateaus and cliff edges.
  3. Miasma Zone: In the miasma zone, black heavenly horses roam along designated roads. Exercise caution in this area due to the presence of dangerous wildlife.
  4. Forest and Jungle Regions: Dark brown heavenly horses can be found in forested areas, particularly near rivers and dense vegetation.
  5. Plains and Grasslands: White heavenly horses are commonly found in open plains and grasslands, often in pairs or small groups.

Tips for Finding Heavenly Horses

If you’re struggling to find heavenly horses, there are a few strategies you can employ to increase your chances:

• Server Resets: Take advantage of server resets, as they often refresh the map and spawn new animals, including heavenly horses.
• Stable Taming: Set up stables in strategic locations and tame as many horses as possible. Breeding purple horses with gold stats increases your chances of obtaining heavenly foals.
• Protective Measures: If playing solo, hide your stables in secluded areas or camouflage them with natural elements to prevent detection by other players or hostile factions.


Heavenly horses are not only valuable companions but also symbols of prestige and skill in Myth of Empires. By understanding where to find them, how to identify them, and employing effective strategies for taming, you can enhance your gameplay experience and build a formidable stable of heavenly horses.

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Mastering Gear Enchantment in Ravendawn Online Guide

Today, we delve into the mystical world of Ravendawn Online, exploring the secrets of enchanting gear with not just a few, but a whopping 16 stats. Gear enhancement is a crucial aspect of any MMORPG, and in Ravendawn Online, it can be a game-changer. Join me as we navigate through the steps of acquiring powerful enchantments and turning your gear into a formidable force on the battlefield.

Unlocking the Enchantment Vendor:

The journey begins with accessing the elusive vendor who offers enchantments for all 16 main stats. To reach this vendor, players must navigate through a series of guards, and to do that, a specific yellow artifact on Harbor Island needs to be unlocked. This artifact serves as the key to unlocking the path to the enchantment vendor.

Locating the Yellow Artifact:

Finding the yellow artifact on Harbor Island might seem like a daunting task, but fear not; I’ve got you covered. The artifact can be obtained by defeating creatures scattered around the island. A recommended strategy is to focus on a specific area, such as the region inhabited by the formidable worms. Spend about 10 minutes engaged in battle with these creatures, and with a bit of luck, you might find the coveted yellow artifact.

It’s worth noting that the ease of obtaining the artifact may vary, and luck could play a significant role. Whether you consider yourself exceptionally fortunate or merely persistent, the end goal is to obtain the yellow artifact to progress further in the enchantment journey.

Passing Through the Guards:

Once armed with the yellow artifact, players can now confidently pass through the guards blocking the way to the second floor. The guards, initially insurmountable obstacles, will step aside, granting access to the enchantment vendor’s lair.

Meeting Greedy Axon – The Enchantment Vendor:

On the second floor, players will encounter the key NPC in this enchanting adventure – Greedy Axon. Greedy Axon is the one-stop shop for enchantments, offering options for every main stat on all pieces of gear. These enchantments, however, come with a twist; they are soulbound. This means that once applied, the gear cannot be traded or sold to other players.

However, here’s the game-changing aspect: enchanting gear with these soulbound enchantments does not make the gear itself soulbound. This opens up a world of possibilities for players to collaborate, help each other, and even profit from their enchanting skills.

Sharing the Enchantment Love:

With the newfound ability to enchant gear for others without binding it to the character, players can become invaluable allies to their friends and guildmates. This cooperative aspect adds a layer of depth to the social dynamics within the game. You can enhance your friend’s gear, turning them into more formidable warriors, and in return, they might help you on your quests and endeavors.

For crafters, this presents an exciting opportunity. If you possess the crafting skills to create high-demand gear, you can enchant it with these powerful stats and list it on the auction house for a premium price. The allure of enhanced gear is sure to attract buyers willing to invest in their characters’ strength and prowess.

Building Community and Gratitude:

Before concluding our enchantment journey, a moment of gratitude is in order. The player community in Ravendawn Online has proven to be a source of support and encouragement. The creator of the guide expresses gratitude for the overwhelming response to their previous video on making Ravendawn silver with the Trade Post. It’s heartening to see a community come together, share knowledge, and help each other thrive in the vast virtual realm of Ravendawn.


As we wrap up this guide to enchanting gear with 16 stats in Ravendawn Online, remember the power that lies in collaboration and helping others. Greedy Axon’s enchantments are a game-changer, not just for your character but for the entire community. So, embrace the journey, enhance your gear, help your friends, and contribute to the thriving world of Ravendawn Online. Until next time, fellow adventurers, may your gear be mighty and your quests victorious!

Skull and Bones: High Seas of Gaming’s Development Hell

In the ever-evolving landscape of the gaming industry, some titles capture the imagination, promising grand adventures and innovative gameplay experiences. However, among the waves of successful releases, some seem to vanish into the abyss of development hell, never to see the light of day. Enter Skull and Bones, a game that has become synonymous with the challenges and tribulations of game development.

The Perilous Journey of Skull and Bones

Skull and Bones, a naval combat pirate title, first set sail into the gaming world’s consciousness in 2013. Its official reveal at E3 2017 sparked excitement among gamers eager to embark on a swashbuckling adventure. Yet, despite the initial fanfare, Skull and Bones soon found itself navigating treacherous waters marked by multiple delays and setbacks.

Rumors swirled of development hurdles, including several reboots and a budget that reportedly exceeded $120 million. The sheer scale of the project seemed to make it “too big to fail,” yet as the years passed, doubts began to mount regarding its eventual release.

However, on February 16th, a ray of hope pierced through the storm clouds as Skull and Bones finally dropped anchor on PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. After years of anticipation and uncertainty, players could finally set sail on the maiden voyage of this long-awaited title.

Setting Sail: What to Expect

As players embark on their journey through the world of Skull and Bones, they’ll encounter a variety of gameplay elements designed to immerse them in the life of a pirate on the high seas.

Outposts and Progression:

Players will traverse various regions, visiting forts, settlements, and pirate dens that serve as social hubs. These dens offer opportunities to take on contracts, interact with vendors, and establish alliances with local kingpins, essential for advancing your pirate career.


Infamy serves as the primary means of progression in Skull and Bones. As players increase their infamy rank, they unlock access to new ships, blueprints, weapons, and upgrades, enhancing their capabilities and prowess on the seas.

Contracts and World Events:

Completing contracts, ranging from treasure hunts to merchant assaults is vital for gaining infamy and acquiring valuable resources. Additionally, dynamic world events provide opportunities for cooperative gameplay as players join forces to overcome challenges and reap rewards.

Sailing Mechanics:

Skull and Bones aims to deliver a realistic sailing experience, with physics influenced by factors such as wind direction, buoyancy, and cargo weight. Each ship handles differently, requiring players to adapt their tactics to navigate through changing weather conditions and treacherous waters.

Ship Variety and Customization:

Players can command a diverse array of ships, each with unique characteristics and loadouts. From nimble sloops to formidable frigates, choosing the right vessel for the job is crucial. Extensive customization options allow players to tailor their ships with various armaments, armor, and upgrades to suit their playstyle.

Combat and Challenges:

Engaging in naval combat is a cornerstone of Skull and Bones gameplay. Players must master a variety of weapons and tactics to outmaneuver and outgun their opponents. Whether engaging in ship-to-ship combat or boarding enemy vessels, strategic thinking, and skillful execution are key to emerging victorious.

Post-launch Support and Beyond

Skull and Bones aims to chart a course for long-term success with extensive post-launch support and content updates. From new ships and weapons to dynamic events and raids, players can expect a steady stream of updates to keep the seas of Skull and Bones teeming with adventure for years to come.

Navigating the Waters Ahead

As players prepare to embark on their voyage in Skull and Bones, they should brace themselves for a thrilling, albeit turbulent, journey through the high seas of gaming. With its richly detailed world, engaging gameplay mechanics, and promise of ongoing support, Skull and Bones invite players to hoist the Jolly Roger and carve out their legacy as legendary pirates of the Caribbean.

In conclusion, while the road to release may have been fraught with challenges, Skull and Bones has finally emerged from the depths of development hell to offer players an unforgettable pirate adventure unlike any other. So raise the sails, unfurl the flag, and prepare to chart a course for glory in the world of Skull and Bones.

For more guides and all the latest news about Skull and Bones, check out MMOexp. Cheap Skull and Bones Silver for sale here!

Diablo 4 Season 3 Necromancer Tier List Analysis (Preliminary)

As we approach Diablo 4 Season 3, the Necromancer community is eager to assess the viability of various builds in the new environment. This preliminary tier list takes into account the known changes from the patch notes and aims to provide insights into the potential performance of different Necromancer builds.

Note: The term “preliminary” is used due to uncertainties related to the new Vaults, the Gauntlet, and the impact of the Seneschal companion.

Tier List:


Bone Spear
Bone Spirit

Blood Lance

Blood Surge
Mendeln Summoner
Razorplate Summoner
Blood Surge Summoner

Bloodless Scream

Pure Summoner

Tier Explanations:

1, Infinimist (S):
Remains a top-tier build, unaffected by nerfs, offering high damage output and efficiency.

2, Bone Spear (A):
Synergizes well with Bone Prison and Ring of Starless Skies buffs, providing a potent combination for damage.

3, Bone Spirit (A):
Receives a much-needed boost, making it viable for normal dungeons and presenting exciting possibilities with Ring of Starless Skies.

4, Pentadot (B):
Relies on X’fals, adapting to LHC on CE nerfs with Greaves of the Empty Tomb, remaining a powerful choice.

5, Blood Lance (B):
Faces challenges due to the loss of Vampiric Powers but gains a new unique item, maintaining its effectiveness with Rathma’s Chosen & Accelerating Aspect.

6, Blood Surge (C):
Experiences losses and faces further challenges with the nerf to Overpower and changes in Bone Prison mechanics, impacting its endgame viability.

7, Mendeln Summoner (C):
Scales decently but faces limitations due to minion constraints, ranking lower compared to other specs.

8, Razorplate Summoner (C):
Potential for higher ranking due to Iron Maiden becoming a Darkness skill, providing avenues for scaling. Hindered by minion limitations.

9, Blood Surge Summoner (C):
Loses some effectiveness, and the combination of nerfs and changes diminish its standing among other builds.

10, Bloodless Scream (D):
Receives some assistance in Season 3, but its playstyle and limitations make it less appealing compared to Infinimist.

11, Pure Summoner (F):
Faces a considerable nerf to minions, ranking at the bottom due to reduced damage output. The lack of a fix in the pipeline raises concerns.

This preliminary tier list highlights the anticipated performance of Necromancer builds in Diablo 4 Season 3. Infinimist retains its top position, while changes to other builds reflect adjustments made in the latest patch. The tier list considers various factors, but uncertainties regarding the new content and companion mechanics make it subject to adjustments as more information becomes available. Players are encouraged to adapt to the evolving meta and explore the strengths of each build in the upcoming season.

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Guide to the Elden Ring Godslayer Faith Build

Today, with another exhilarating Elden Ring Build, this time, we’re diving deep into the realm of Faith. Focused on the awe-inspiring Godslayer incantations, this build has become even more formidable after the recent buffs in patch 1.04. Join me as we explore the intricacies of this Faith build, highlighting the unique characteristics of its incantations and weapons, and offering guidance on character development from the early stages of the game.

Godslayer Incantations and Faith Seals:

The foundation of this Faith build rests on the powerful Godslayer incantations, channeled through the Godslayer’s Seal. This seal not only stands out as one of the best pure faith seals but also enhances the potency of Godslayer Incantations by 10%. Moreover, equipping two seals can further stack up, intensifying the offensive capabilities of your incantations. It’s important to note that the Godslayer’s Seal doesn’t enhance Black Flame’s Protection, despite being a Godslayer Incantation.

Black Flame Incantation:

Our journey into the Godslayer Faith Build begins with the formidable Black Flame Incantation. This incantation unleashes a ball of raging black fire, dealing substantial fire damage. With the ability to charge the Black Flame, increasing its damage and causing a powerful explosion on impact, it proves effective against enemies with large health pools. The recent buffs in patch 1.04 have elevated its damage and improved its ability to break enemy guards, making it a reliable choice.

To obtain the Black Flame Incantation and the Godslayer’s Seal early in the game, a trip to Stormveil Castle is in order. From the Rampart Tower grace location, navigate to the rooftop of the next building, clear the rats in the cellar, and use a Stonesword key to access the chests containing the seal and the Godskin Prayerbook.

Scouring Black Flame and Black Flame Ritual:

The second incantation in our arsenal is the Scouring Black Flame. Sweeping the area in front of you with a black flame, it deals high fire damage and inflicts damage over time effect similar to the Black Flame Incantation. Patch 1.04 brought significant improvements, including decreased FP cost, recovery time, increased attack range, and area of effect.

For the Black Flame Ritual, summoning a circle of black flame pillars around your character proves invaluable against large enemies, creating an impenetrable barrier and dealing with constant damage. Patch 1.04 reduced its FP cost and increased damage. To obtain the Black Flame Ritual incantation, head to the Spiritcaller Cave and defeat the Godskin Nobles summons.

Notable Exclusions:

While there are other related incantations like Black Flame Blade and Noble Presence, careful consideration led to their exclusion from the build due to certain limitations. Black Flame Blade, though providing fire damage and damage over time effect, felt cumbersome with its short duration. Noble Presence, while powerful, suffered from short-range and long cast time issues.

Melee Weapons:

For our melee weapons, we’ve chosen the Godskin Peeler and The Godslayer’s Great Sword. The Godskin Peeler, accompanied by the Black Flame Tornado Ash of War, summons a tornado of black flame with a wide range, dealing substantial fire damage. Until obtaining the Black Flame Tornado Ash of War, The Godslayer’s Great Sword serves as a reliable alternative with its exceptional damage, fast moveset, and improvements in patch 1.04.

Character Progression:

To assist you in developing this Faith build from scratch, kimochaser suggests starting as a Vagabond or Confessor. Early to mid-game, use Radagon’s Soreseal to meet melee weapon requirements while focusing on the faith attribute. By level 50, aim for 20 Vigor, 18 Mind, 13 Endurance, 15 Strength, 17 Dexterity, and 30 Faith. At level 100, push Vigor and Faith to 40 and 60, respectively, and gradually remove Radagon’s Soreseal.

Equipment and Talismans:

The recommended Elden Ring Items include the Blackflame Monk set and Knight Greaves, obtainable from the Divine Tower of Caelid. Talismans like the Fire Scorpion Charm, Flock’s Canvas Talisman, Godfrey Icon, and optional choices such as Shard of Alexander enhance your damage and provide additional benefits.

Wondrous Physick Flask Tears:

Enhance your build with Flame-Shrouding Cracked Tear for +20% fire damage and Stonebarb Cracked Tear to break enemy stances more easily.

Incantations for Further Improvement:

Golden Vow, Howl of Shabriri, Flame, Grant Me Strength, and Black Flame’s Protection can be incorporated to boost your build, each offering unique advantages. Howl of Shabriri and Flame, grant me strength don’t stack, so choose based on your preferences.


As with any build, the Godslayer Faith Build has its limitations, but its prowess is undeniable. With this comprehensive guide, you’re now equipped to embark on an Elden Ring journey fueled by faith and incantations. Thanks for joining us, and may your adventures in the Lands Between being legendary!

Want to complete your Godslayer Faith Build quickly? Buy Elden Ring Runes from to make your journey easier. I wish you a happy game.

The Dominance of Francisca Axes in Dark and Darker

As my experience with Dark and Darker deepens, I find myself grappling with a dilemma that has become increasingly prominent in my gameplay – the role of Francisca axes in winning melee fights. From initially neglecting them to now cluttering my inventory with these potent weapons, the impact on my win rate has been so significant that looting becomes a hesitancy, fearing the loss of these valuable axes.

The question that looms large is whether Francisca axes have become a virtual necessity for emerging victorious in melee encounters. What began as a casual inclusion of 6-9 axes has evolved into an obsession, with my inventory brimming with these formidable throwing weapons. The noticeable spike in my success rate during fights is undeniable, leading to a conundrum where the fear of losing axes competes with the desire to engage in combat.

Finding a balance in the game’s mechanics to address this issue seems challenging. While it feels inherently wrong to abandon traditional melee engagement as a fighter in favor of hurling projectiles from a safe distance, the effectiveness of this strategy cannot be overstated. The reliability of Francisca axes in guaranteeing an advantage over opponents, arguably surpassing crossbows due to minimal downtime and mobility hindrance from reloading, has shifted the dynamics of combat significantly.

Indeed, the use of Francisca axes parallels the necessity of bringing potions and bandages for healing – a trade of in-game currency for a tangible power advantage. Those who abstain from this practice find themselves at a distinct disadvantage against opponents who engage in the exchange of Dark and Darker gold for increased combat prowess. This dynamic underlines the pivotal role these axes play in the current state of the game.

As one confronts more formidable adversaries, the prelude to melee combat involves an exhaustive discharge of every available ranged option. The strategy is clear: weaken the opponent before engaging in close-quarters combat to enhance the chances of emerging victorious. Opting for ranged attacks not only mitigates the need for a direct exchange of blows but also hampers the opponent’s escape options in the aftermath of the confrontation.

A historical perspective reveals that, in the seasons preceding the current one, barbarians and rogues routinely entered battles with their inventories overflowing with axes and medical supplies. The elite few took it a step further, having teammates stockpile throwables for them, creating a cache of weaponry for individual use. While most fighters often dismissed this approach, deeming it unnecessary for their typical encounters, the effectiveness of the strategy cannot be denied.

One aspect of the current ranked system that leaves a bitter taste is the perceived division between PvE AP grinders and PvP enthusiasts. The majority of PvP engagements feel unbalanced, leaning towards those who prioritize gear acquisition over combat proficiency. This division undermines the essence of PvP, making it more one-sided than the previous emphasis on equipment quality.

In conclusion, the prevalence of Francisca axes and their impact on combat dynamics raises intriguing questions about the evolving meta in Dark and Darker. As players grapple with the trade-offs between traditional melee engagement and the allure of ranged dominance, it becomes imperative for game developers to reassess the balance and design to ensure a more nuanced and satisfying PvP experience for all.

Throne and Liberty: Guide to Armor Upgrading

Greetings, fellow adventurers! In this installment, we’ll delve into the intricacies of armor upgrading, ensuring you emerge victorious in battle with the coveted Chad armor. Join me on this quick journey to unlock the secrets of enhancing your gear and defeating foes with style.

Location and Contract Coins:

Every day when you log into the game, make your way to Vienta Village, where the Contract Coin Merchant awaits. Located near the village center, this essential NPC is the key to acquiring the resources needed for armor upgrades. No guild membership is required for this process.

Contract coins are earned by completing contracts, and you can amass them by actively participating in various game activities. In addition, a separate article on contracts is promised, where their intricacies will be explored further. These coins can then be exchanged for growth stones, the vital components for leveling up your armor.

Armor Growth Stones:

The growth stones come in different varieties, each serving a specific purpose in the enhancement process. The three main types are quality weapon growth stones, quality armor growth stones, and quality accessory growth stones. Purchasable from the Contract Coin Merchant, these stones are the linchpin of your armor upgrading strategy.

Intriguingly, there are rare variants of these stones, but acquiring them is more challenging due to their scarcity. However, the benefits they offer are substantial, making them worthwhile investments for leveling up higher-tier armor and accessories.

Crafting and Upgrading:

To kickstart the armor upgrading process, visit the armor crafter in Vienta Village. Here, you can find various armor pieces and accessories available for crafting. The upgrade path includes blue, purple, and even higher-tier armor, each requiring specific growth stones.

The crafting process involves using armor materials, which can be obtained by spending gold. The real magic happens when you upgrade these growth stones from the basic green to the advanced blue and then to the elusive purple. Remember, upgrading higher-tier armor requires growth stones of the same tier.

Live Upgrade Demonstration:

In a live demonstration, our content creator showcases the process of leveling up a piece of armor. With a level 4 headpiece in hand, the goal is to reach level 5 for enhanced stats. Emphasizes the importance of daily purchases of growth stones from the Contract Coin Merchant, as they replenish every 24 hours.

The crafting of growth stones involves a Throne and Liberty Lucent investment, and higher-tier stones may require additional rare materials. Each upgrade attempt has a success rate, influenced by the type of growth stone used. Common, intermediate, greater, and special success rates determine the amount of experience gained.

Accessories and Beyond:

The upgrading process extends beyond armor to include accessories. Demonstrates how to upgrade a belt, emphasizing the need for growth stones specific to the accessory category. The importance of balancing upgrades across all equipment is highlighted, ensuring a well-rounded and formidable character.

Quests and Exploration:

To augment your growth stone collection, engaging in exploration content and completing quests is crucial. Briefly touches on the benefits of regional exploration quests, which reward growth stones upon completion. These quests offer a variety of growth stones, allowing players to choose between weapons, armor, and accessories based on their needs.

Event Opportunities:

An ongoing festival event in the game provides an additional avenue for acquiring growth stones. By participating in dungeons and accumulating event coins, players can purchase more growth stones to expedite their upgrading process. The availability of different stones allows for strategic choices based on individual progression goals.


This comprehensive guide has demystified the armor upgrading process in Throne and Liberty. From daily contracts to crafting growth stones and strategic upgrading, players now know how to fortify their characters and face the challenges that await in the realm.

As the game evolves, promises more in-depth content on contracts, exploration, and additional facets of the gaming experience. Whether you prefer short and informative articles or longer, more detailed content, your commitment to delivering valuable insights remains unwavering. Stay tuned for more tips and tricks as you embark on your Throne and Liberty journey. And buy TL Lucent through MMOexp website, you will get more discounts.