Mastering Gear Enchantment in Ravendawn Online Guide

Today, we delve into the mystical world of Ravendawn Online, exploring the secrets of enchanting gear with not just a few, but a whopping 16 stats. Gear enhancement is a crucial aspect of any MMORPG, and in Ravendawn Online, it can be a game-changer. Join me as we navigate through the steps of acquiring powerful enchantments and turning your gear into a formidable force on the battlefield.

Unlocking the Enchantment Vendor:

The journey begins with accessing the elusive vendor who offers enchantments for all 16 main stats. To reach this vendor, players must navigate through a series of guards, and to do that, a specific yellow artifact on Harbor Island needs to be unlocked. This artifact serves as the key to unlocking the path to the enchantment vendor.

Locating the Yellow Artifact:

Finding the yellow artifact on Harbor Island might seem like a daunting task, but fear not; I’ve got you covered. The artifact can be obtained by defeating creatures scattered around the island. A recommended strategy is to focus on a specific area, such as the region inhabited by the formidable worms. Spend about 10 minutes engaged in battle with these creatures, and with a bit of luck, you might find the coveted yellow artifact.

It’s worth noting that the ease of obtaining the artifact may vary, and luck could play a significant role. Whether you consider yourself exceptionally fortunate or merely persistent, the end goal is to obtain the yellow artifact to progress further in the enchantment journey.

Passing Through the Guards:

Once armed with the yellow artifact, players can now confidently pass through the guards blocking the way to the second floor. The guards, initially insurmountable obstacles, will step aside, granting access to the enchantment vendor’s lair.

Meeting Greedy Axon – The Enchantment Vendor:

On the second floor, players will encounter the key NPC in this enchanting adventure – Greedy Axon. Greedy Axon is the one-stop shop for enchantments, offering options for every main stat on all pieces of gear. These enchantments, however, come with a twist; they are soulbound. This means that once applied, the gear cannot be traded or sold to other players.

However, here’s the game-changing aspect: enchanting gear with these soulbound enchantments does not make the gear itself soulbound. This opens up a world of possibilities for players to collaborate, help each other, and even profit from their enchanting skills.

Sharing the Enchantment Love:

With the newfound ability to enchant gear for others without binding it to the character, players can become invaluable allies to their friends and guildmates. This cooperative aspect adds a layer of depth to the social dynamics within the game. You can enhance your friend’s gear, turning them into more formidable warriors, and in return, they might help you on your quests and endeavors.

For crafters, this presents an exciting opportunity. If you possess the crafting skills to create high-demand gear, you can enchant it with these powerful stats and list it on the auction house for a premium price. The allure of enhanced gear is sure to attract buyers willing to invest in their characters’ strength and prowess.

Building Community and Gratitude:

Before concluding our enchantment journey, a moment of gratitude is in order. The player community in Ravendawn Online has proven to be a source of support and encouragement. The creator of the guide expresses gratitude for the overwhelming response to their previous video on making Ravendawn silver with the Trade Post. It’s heartening to see a community come together, share knowledge, and help each other thrive in the vast virtual realm of Ravendawn.


As we wrap up this guide to enchanting gear with 16 stats in Ravendawn Online, remember the power that lies in collaboration and helping others. Greedy Axon’s enchantments are a game-changer, not just for your character but for the entire community. So, embrace the journey, enhance your gear, help your friends, and contribute to the thriving world of Ravendawn Online. Until next time, fellow adventurers, may your gear be mighty and your quests victorious!