World of Warcraft: WOTLK Classic Phase 4 Professional Player’s Guide

Phase 4 of Wrath of the Lich King Classic is just around the corner, and it’s bringing with it some of the most challenging content in the game. If you want to be prepared to compete at the highest level, here are some tips from professional players:

  1. Stock up like a pro player. Have every relevant enchanting Vellum and epic gem ready to go.
    Farm Scourge Bane drafts and infusions to make hitting damage checks easier.
    Use potions, flasks, wotlk gold, and food that are appropriate for your class and role.
    Repair your gear regularly and have spare parts on hand.
  2. Have the tools of a pro player. Use the Fogi WeCar pack or the Temps pack to track timers and mechanics.
    Be familiar with your class’s rotation and abilities.
    Be able to communicate effectively with your raid group.
  3. Have a gear strategy. Farm the necessary defiler Scourge Stones for the BoE gear you want.
    Hit the daily heroic quest and weekly raid quest for emblems of frost.
    Run Vol of Aravon 10-man and 25-man for tier gear.
    Prioritize gear for your raid’s key players.
    Funnel tokens to one player to upgrade to 277 gear.
  4. Plan your raid strategies. Decide which fights to tackle first and in what order.
    Assign roles and responsibilities to each raid member.
    Develop strategies for dealing with specific mechanics.
    Practice your strategies ahead of time.
  5. Be prepared to raid for three nights the first week. This will give you enough time to clear the content and get the gear you need to progress.
    Focus on the easy and non-DPS check fights the first night.
    Delay the more difficult fights until you have the gear to handle them.
    Fit in 10-man raids to get gear for your key players.


By following these tips, you can increase your chances of success in Icecrown Citadel. Remember, even the best players have to work hard to succeed. Be prepared to put in the time and effort, and you’ll be well on your way to conquering the Lich King and his minions.

Remember to stay tuned to for all the latest news! You can also enjoy buying cheap WoW WoTLK Gold service here.

Additional tips:

Watch raid videos and guides to learn the mechanics of the fights.
Practice the fights with your raid group before you attempt them on heroic difficulty.
Be patient and persistent. Don't get discouraged if you don't clear content right away. Just keep practicing and learning, and you'll eventually succeed.

Safety guidelines:

Do not spam the random dungeon finder. This can disrupt the experience for other players.
Be respectful of your raid members. Avoid using offensive language or discriminatory behavior.
Take breaks when you need them. It's important to avoid burnout.
Have fun! Icecrown Citadel is a challenging but rewarding raid. Enjoy the experience and the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing it.